Concrete on high-strength crushed stone FR. 5 - 20 (M - 150 V 12.5 W4)
Технические характеристики

The signature "Mynpol" produces betonnыe repair, as well as a wide range of tangible brands and classes.

One IZ vostrebovannыh most types of concrete javljaetsja brand M-150 V 12,5 W4.

This concrete aggregate on vыsokoprochnom part 5-20 mm nesuschyh zhelezobetonnoy construction parts.

Mnoholetnyy work experience, the availability of concrete components in stock, sobstvennoe equipment and garden mykserov, we always pozvoljajut yspolnyt your order quickly and strictly delivery concrete term.

As a well-concrete quality control system and vnedrnnnnaya production for actual needs, harantyruet top quality and GOST standards are concrete, for our customers.

Bolshye obёmmы production, specialization and availability uzkaya reality equipment and mykserov cars - the ability I suggest you give LUCHSHUYU tsenu on concrete lyubыh brands.

Aktualnuyu tsenu to concrete aggregates on vivsokoprochnom fr - 20 (M-150 V 12,5 W4), you can learn to download our price - List

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