Acceptance of foundation blocks
Технические характеристики

3.1. Acceptance of foundation blocks should be performed in lots in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.1 and this standard.
3.2. Acceptance of foundation blocks for frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete, tempering moisture of light concrete, as well as for water absorption of concrete foundation blocks intended for operation in an environment with an aggressive degree of impact, should be carried out according to the results of periodic tests.
3.3. Tests of concrete for watertightness and water absorption of foundation blocks, to which these requirements are made, should be carried out at least once every 3 months.
3.4. The tempering humidity of lightweight concrete should be monitored at least once a month based on the results of testing samples taken from three finished foundation blocks.
The evaluation of the actual release moisture should be carried out based on the results of testing each monitored block based on the average moisture value of the samples taken from it.
3.5. Acceptance of foundation blocks in terms of strength of concrete (concrete strength class for compressive strength and yield strength), the compliance of the installation loops with the requirements of this standard, the accuracy of geometric parameters, the width of the opening of technological cracks and the category of concrete surface of foundation blocks should be made based on the results of acceptance tests.
3.6. Acceptance of foundation blocks in terms of accuracy of geometric parameters, category of concrete surface and the width of the opening of technological cracks should be carried out according to the results of sampling control.
3.7. Acceptance of foundation blocks by the presence of mounting loops, the correct application of markings and signs should be made through continuous monitoring with the rejection of foundation blocks that have defects in these indicators.
Div. 3. (Changed wording, Amendment No. 1).

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