Technical requirements for the manufacture of foundation blocks
Технические характеристики
2.1. Materialy, primenyayemyye dlya prigotovleniya betona, dolzhny obespechivat' vypolneniye tekhnicheskikh trebovaniy, ustanovlennykh nastoyashchim standartom, i sootvetstvovat' deystvuyushchim standartam ili tekhnicheskim usloviyam na eti materialy.
2.2. Fakticheskaya prochnost' betona fundamentnykh blokov (v proyektnom vozraste i otpusknaya) dolzhna sootvetstvovat' trebuyemoy, naznachayemoy po GOST 18105 v zavisimosti ot normiruyemoy prochnosti betona, ukazannoy v proyektnoy dokumentatsii na zdaniye ili sooruzheniye, i ot pokazatelya fakticheskoy odnorodnosti prochnosti betona.
(Izmenennaya redaktsiya, Izm. № 1).
2.3. Morozostoykost' i vodonepronitsayemost' betona dolzhny naznachat'sya v proyekte v zavisimosti ot rezhima ekspluatatsii konstruktsiy i klimaticheskikh usloviy rayona stroitel'stva soglasno SNiP 2.03.01 - dlya tyazhelogo betona i legkogo betonov i SNiP 2.03.02 - dlya plotnogo silikatnogo betona.
2.4. Beton, a takzhe materialy dlya prigotovleniya betona fundamentnykh blokov, prednaznachennykh dlya primeneniya v usloviyakh vozdeystviya agressivnoy sredy, dolzhny udovletvoryat' trebovaniyam SNiP 2.03.11, a takzhe dopolnitel'nym trebovaniyam SNiP 2.03.02 dlya fundamentnykh blokov iz plotnogo silikatnogo betona.
2.5. Klassy betona po prochnosti na szhatiye, marki betona po morozostoykosti i vodonepronitsayemosti, a pri neobkhodimosti i trebovaniya k betonu i materialam dlya yego prigotovleniya (sm. p. 2.4), dolzhny sootvetstvovat' proyektnym, ukazyvayemym v zakazakh na izgotovleniye fundamentnykh blokov.
2.6. Postavku fundamentnykh blokov potrebitelyu sleduyet proizvodit' posle dostizheniya betonom trebuyemoy otpusknoy prochnosti (sm. p. 2.2).
2.7. Znacheniye normiruyemoy otpusknoy prochnosti betona fundamentnykh blokov (v protsentakh ot klassa po prochnosti na szhatiye) sleduyet prinimat' ravnym:
50 - dlya tyazhelogo betona i legkogo betona klassa V12,5 i vyshe;
70 - dlya tyazhelogo betona klassa V10 i nizhe;
80 - dlya legkogo betona klassa V10 i nizhe;
100 - dlya plotnogo silikatnogo betona.
Pri postavke fundamentnykh blokov v kholodnyy period goda dopuskayetsya povyshat' normiruyemuyu otpusknuyu prochnost' betona, no ne boleye znacheniy (v protsentakh ot klassa po prochnosti na szhatiye):
70 - dlya betona klassa V12,5 i vyshe;
90 - dlya betona klassa V10 i nizhe.
Znacheniye normiruyemoy otpusknoy prochnosti betona sleduyet prinimat' po proyektnoy dokumentatsii na konkretnoye zdaniye ili sooruzheniye v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami GOST 13015.0.
Postavku fundamentnykh blokov s otpusknoy prochnost'yu betona nizhe prochnosti, sootvetstvuyushchey yego klassu po prochnosti na szhatiye, proizvodyat pri uslovii, yesli izgotovitel' garantiruyet dostizheniye betonom fundamentnykh blokov trebuyemoy prochnosti v proyektnom vozraste, opredelyayemoy po rezul'tatam ispytaniya kontrol'nykh obraztsov, izgotovlennykh iz betonnoy smesi rabochego sostava i khranivshikhsya v usloviyakh soglasno GOST 18105.
2.5 - 2.7. (Izmenennaya redaktsiya, Izm. № 1).
2.8. Pri otpuske fundamentnykh blokov potrebitelyu vlazhnost' legkogo betona ne dolzhna byt' boleye 12 %.
(Izmenennaya redaktsiya, Izm. № 1).
2.9. Montazhnyye petli fundamentnykh blokov sleduyet izgotovlyat' iz sterzhnevoy goryachekatanoy armatury gladkoy klassa A-I marok VSt3ps2 i VSt3sp2 ili periodicheskogo profilya Ac-II, marki 10GT po GOST 5781.
Armaturu iz stali marki VSt3ps2 ne dopuskayetsya primenyat' dlya montazhnykh petel', prednaznachennykh dlya pod"yema i montazha fundamentnykh blokov pri temperature nizhe minus 40° S.
2.10. Otkloneniya proyektnykh razmerov fundamentnykh blokov ne dolzhny prevyshat', mm:
po dline 13
po shirine i vysote 8
po razmeram vyrezov 5
2.11. Otkloneniye ot pryamolineynosti profilya poverkhnostey bloka ne dolzhno prevyshat' 3 mm na vsey dline i shirine bloka.
(Izmenennaya redaktsiya).
2.12. Ustanavlivayutsya sleduyushchiye kategorii betonnoy poverkhnosti fundamentnykh blokov:
A3 - litsevoy, prednaznachennoy pod okrasku;
A5 - litsevoy, prednaznachennoy pod otdelku keramicheskimi plitkami, ukladyvayemymi po sloyu rastvora;
A6 - litsevoy, neotdelyvayemoy;
A7 - nelitsevoy, ne vidimoy v usloviyakh ekspluatatsii.
Trebovaniya k kachestvu poverkhnostey fundamentnykh blokov - po GOST 13015.0.
(Izmenennaya redaktsiya, Izm. № 1).
2.13. (Isklyuchen, Izm. № 1).
2.14. V betone fundamentnykh blokov, prinimayemykh soglasno razd. 3, ne dopuskayutsya treshchiny, za isklyucheniyem mestnykh poverkhnostnykh usadochnykh, shirina kotorykh ne dolzhna prevyshat' 0,1 mm v blokakh iz tyazhelogo i plotnogo silikatnogo betonov i 0,2 mm - v blokakh iz legkogo betona.
(Izmenennaya redaktsiya, Izm. № 1).
2.15. Montazhnyye petli dolzhny byt' ochishcheny ot naplavov betona.

2.1. Materials used for the preparation of concrete must ensure that the technical requirements specified in this standard are met and comply with the applicable standards or specifications for these materials.
2.2. The actual strength of concrete foundation blocks (at the design age and holiday) must comply with the required, prescribed in accordance with GOST 18105, depending on the rated concrete strength specified in the design documentation for the building or structure, and on the index of actual uniformity of concrete strength.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.3. Frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete should be assigned in the project, depending on the mode of operation of structures and climatic conditions of the construction area in accordance with SNiP 2.03.01 - for heavy concrete and light concrete and SNiP 2.03.02 for dense silicate concrete.
2.4. Concrete, as well as materials for the preparation of concrete foundation blocks intended for use in environments subject to aggressive environments, must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11, as well as additional requirements of SNiP 2.03.02 for foundation blocks of dense silicate concrete.
2.5. Concrete classes for compressive strength, concrete grades for frost resistance and water impermeability, and, if necessary, requirements for concrete and materials for its preparation (see § 2.4), should correspond to the design specified in the orders for the manufacture of foundation blocks.
2.6. The delivery of foundation blocks to the consumer should be performed after the concrete has reached the required strength (see 2.2).
2.7. The value of the normalized yield strength of concrete foundation blocks (as a percentage of the class of compressive strength) should be taken as follows:
50 - for heavy concrete and light concrete of class B12.5 and higher;
70 - for heavy concrete class B10 and below;
80 - for light concrete of class B10 and below;
100 for dense silicate concrete.
When the foundation blocks are delivered in the cold period of the year, it is allowed to increase the standardized strength of the concrete, but not more than (as a percentage of the class of compressive strength):
70 - for concrete of class B12.5 and higher;
90 - for concrete class B10 and below.
The value of the rated strength of concrete should be taken according to the design documentation for a particular building or structure in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.0.
The supply of foundation blocks with the strength of the concrete strength is below the strength corresponding to its class of compressive strength, provided that the manufacturer guarantees that the concrete blocks reach the required strength at the projected age, determined by the results of testing control samples made of a concrete mixture of working composition and stored in the conditions in accordance with GOST 18105.
2.5 - 2.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.8. When releasing foundation blocks to the consumer, the moisture content of lightweight concrete should not be more than 12%.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.9. Mounting loops of the foundation blocks should be made from core hot-rolled reinforcement of smooth class A-I of grades VSt3pc2 and VSt3sp2 or periodic profile Аc-II, grade 10ГТ in accordance with GOST 5781.
Valves made of steel BC3-3c2 can not be used for mounting loops intended for lifting and installing foundation blocks at temperatures below minus 40 ° C.
2.10. Deviations of the design sizes of foundation blocks should not exceed, mm:
by length 13
width and height 8
by the size of the notches 5
2.11. The deviation from the straightness of the profile of the block surfaces should not exceed 3 mm on the entire length and width of the block.
(Changed edition).
2.12. The following categories of concrete surface of foundation blocks are established:
A3 - facial, intended for coloring;
A5 - front, intended for finishing with ceramic tiles, laid on a layer of mortar;
A6 - front, incomplete;
A7 - non-face, not visible in operating conditions.
Requirements for the quality of the surfaces of foundation blocks - in accordance with GOST 13015.0.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.13. (Excluded, Amend No. 1).
2.14. In the concrete of the foundation blocks, accepted according to Sec. 3, cracks are not allowed, except for local surface shrinkage, the width of which should not exceed 0.1 mm in blocks of heavy and dense silicate concretes and 0.2 mm in blocks of lightweight concrete.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.15. Mounting hinges should be cleaned from the deposits of concrete.

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